WO Disc Dog Toy


The WO Disc is a unique spin on the classic, yet well-loved frisbee. Take your WO Disc to the park for fetch frisbee (it bounces and floats!), play tug of war at home before dinner or let your dog entertain himself/herself for hours while you're out. The WO Disc will soon be your dog's (and your) favorite toy!

To buy online and pick up in store, follow the link : https://hansongrain.etailpet.c...

The WO Disc is made with your dog's health and dental hygiene in mind and is approved by pet nutrition experts. It is made with a high quality, chemical-free material that is BPA-free, phthalate-free, non-toxic and FDA-compliant. That means you don't have to worry about your furry best friend ingesting bits of chemical-laden plastic. The WO Disc is safe and soft on your dog's mouth.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.